join us
this sunday
Check out our campus information below, as well as FAQs and fill out a “Plan My Visit” form
Deltona campus
Service Times:
8:31am & 10:51am
Sunday Morning LifeGroups:
921 Deltona Blvd, Deltona, FL 32725
Deland campus
Service Time:
Sunday Morning LifeGroups:
402 New York Ave. W, Deland, FL 32720
Sunday Service:
Wednesday Bible Talk:
(Deltona) Childcare from ages newborn to 5th grade is provided during the 10:51 AM service. The nursery is also open during the LifeGroup hour, and Sunday School classes are available for children ages K-5th.
(Deland) Childcare from ages newborn to 5th grade is provided during the 9:51 AM service. The nursery is also open during the LifeGroup hour and Sunday School classes are available for children ages K-5th.
For children ages newborn through 5th grade we have a check-in process in place for when they are dropped off at Sunday School, Children’s Church, or the nursery.
Please contact Joanna Rivera, our Children’s Ministries Director, with any questions about childcare: joanna@bragonjesus.org. -
Yes! Middle and high school students meet at their campus on Sunday mornings during the Sunday morning LifeGroup hour (9:51 am Deltona, 11:00 am Deland).
For any questions regarding student gatherings on Sunday mornings, email our Pastor of Teaching & Discipleship Andrew Brown: andrew@bragonjesus.org. -
(Deltona) Parking is available from either entrance, whether you enter from Deltona blvd. or Balsam st.
(Deland) Parking is available on the backside of the building as you enter from South Delaware ave.
We are glad you asked! We have a variety of LifeGroups that meet during the week in a multitude of locations, you can check those out at our LifeGroups page.
To see all of our upcoming events taking place at DAC, check out our events page.
Wear whatever you feel most comfortable worshipping the Lord in!